Tuesday 12 December 2006

God healed me of my long time knee injury!

This is actually a miracle that happened 4 years ago.

I had always been an active guy, even when in school. Apart from football, anything else that requires me to perspire, I'd be involved. Of course it helped that I was pretty good at some of the sports I took up.

One of which was Tae Kwon Do. In fact, I remember I was only 16 and was about to represent my TKD club in a tournament. During a practice session at a friend's place, I landed awkwardly after attempting a jumping reverse kick... My knee cap popped out of it's socket and back in a split second, but that was enough to send a shooting pain right up my leg. (certainly didn't help that I SAW the popping of my knee cap)

So all through my college, NS days, I was in and out of treatment rooms, alternating between the clinics and Chinese sinsehs but these treatment only brought temporary relief. The doctors at Tan Tock Seng Hospital and SGH actually wanted to operate on it but it was something I wasn't prepared to face. I had to sign the indemnity/release papers for them to let me go. The doctor's parting words were : "You'll have to live with this for the rest of your life if you do not operate."

I never knew the purpose of the communion except that we are to "eat and drink in remembrance of Jesus". So I just remember lor. But I didn't know WHY I should remember Him when taking communion, neither do I know WHAT about Him that I should remember.

It was only when I started attending a new church when the pastor preached that as Christians, we ARE in Christ. So just as He is, so are we in this world! Then, he went on to pronounce that we are already righteous in God's sight! We had taken Jesus' place of righteousness when He took our shame, infirmities, curse, poverty etc...

From that Sunday onwards, I constantly reminded myself that I AM the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; When I felt pain in my leg, when I stumbled (sinned) or when I felt everything is going wrong for me, I just reminded myself of my righteousness in Christ.

One rainy night, as I was sleeping, or should I say, trying to sleep, the pain in my knee joint was simply unbearable. I guess it was the rainy weather that causes that rheumatism feel in my left knee.

I was tossing and turning and the pain was still there. In desperation, I reminded myself (and God) that I am the righteousness of God in Christ and asked Father God to heal me. Immediately after that, I felt I had to keep still and wait upon Him.

While still lying on the bed, I sensed what felt like a high voltage heat placed near my affected knee. I was closing my eyes at that time and I just spoke in tongues while the heat was hovering over my left knee.

After about 3-5 mins, I felt the heat moved away. I laid there for another min or so and I made a bold move to kick with my left leg, hard, into the air. (Bold because it would hurt like xxxx on any given day!)

Voila! there was no pain! I thought I was being delirious, so I quickly jumped out of my bed and did scissors jumps and kicked with my left leg again! No pain! I knew I was healed when I sensed the heat on my knee. But the confirmation was always sweet!

I jumped back on bed, woke up my missus and told her what happened. She was probably too blur then but she soon realised what was happening and was giving thanks to God as well.

Knowing our position in Christ is sooooo important. Now when I take my communion, it's no longer an act of religiousity but remembering Him and what He accomplished on the Cross for me! He paid the price for my sins and fallen nature, so I NEED NOT PAY AGAIN!

My healing took place 17 years after I got injured. My only regret was that I didn't realise my position in Christ any earlier...

Hallelujah! As this is my 4th anniversary of my healing, I am proud to say that Jesus is faithful all these years.

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Friday 8 December 2006

The love of God knows no bounds!

Ever since I realised that God had already punished my sins on the body of Jesus Christ 2000 years ago, I wake up everyday with the renewed hope, courage and faith to draw closer to Him.

Had I continued with the false belief that He was still angry with me (for my seemingly never-ending list of sins, blunders, shortcomings), I honestly won't even have the guts to step into a church again, let alone pray to Him.

His Grace is definitely sufficient for me! Hahaha...

I'm not being irreverent by laughing. Just that I remembered when I was still a cocky teenager and when we sang the song "Jehovah Jireh, my provider" back in my former youth meetings, I actually looked down on God's grace for me!

Before you crucify me, let me explain: At that time, I felt that word was rather 'soft'. In fact, it was such a 'ku-niang' word (Hokkien : feminine) that even girls would use that word for a name! So how could an alpha male like me possibly need grace? Give me 'power' and 'authority' anytime.

Sadly, it had always been like that for me; always about what I can do for God, always what I can sacrifice for God; always focused on my works rather than His perfect and finished work at the Cross for my life! My hands cannot even save me from anything and yet all I ever did was to try and "Love the Lord your God with all your might and heart and mind and soul".

Had I known that only Jesus can fulfil this command to perfection, I'd have rested easy and just let Him do all the loving as He continually resides in me.

There are simply too many inaccurate interpretations of bible verses throughout my Christian life which had robbed me of the blessings that God had purposed in my life. I hope that through my sharings in the coming entries, that perhaps, you too will be blessed.

Shalom one and all.

Greatly Blessed, Highly Favoured, Deeply Loved